The DGNB Auditor training prepares you to apply the DGNB System from A to Z in practice. After the training, you can work without restrictions in all markets and submit your projects for certification by the DGNB.
The training is held in German.
Learning objectives and skills taught
- You will learn to closely accompany and document the planning and construction process from start to finish in terms of DGNB Certification.
- You will be able to communicate with all parties involved in the construction process about the required evidence and documentation requirements of individual DGNB criteria.
- You know what is important in the conformity assessment and can submit projects to the DGNB for certification.
- You also have the opportunity to specialise in the field of sustainable districts.
The title DGNB Auditor distinguishes experts in the design and construction of sustainable buildings. DGNB Auditors specialise in auditing projects according to the DGNB System and accompany building owners throughout the entire certification process.
Persons who have already successfully certified five supervised projects are awarded the title of DGNB Senior Auditor.

The most important facts at a glance
After successful completion and signing of the licence agreement:
- Receipt of the recognised degree of DGNB Auditor
- DGNB Auditor certificate in digital form
- DGNB Auditor certificate in an FSC-certified wooden frame (only for "DGNB Auditor Training")
- Listing as DGNB certification expert on the DGNB website
- DGNB Auditor logo in digital form incl. DGNB style guide for communicating your qualification (e.g. for your e-mail signature, website or communication materials)
- Extended access to the DGNB System Software and the building products platform DGNB Navigator
- Access to the exclusive group for DGNB Consultants and DGNB Auditors on the network platform myDGNB
- Opportunity to participate in the DGNB Expert Day for your quick, compact and cost-effective further training as well as for exchange and networking with other DGNB Certification experts
- Regular newsletter for DGNB Certification experts
- Possibility to become a DGNB Trainer
Additionally after proof of five successfully DGNB-certified projects:
- Receipt of the recognised degree of DGNB Senior Auditor
- DGNB Senior Auditor certificate in digital form
- DGNB Senior Auditor logo in digital form incl. DGNB style guide for communicating your qualification (e.g. for your e-mail signature, website or communication materials)
- Halving of the number of further education points required to obtain the licence (4 instead of 8 further education points per year)
You can achieve the qualification as a DGNB Auditor via various routes. The admission requirement for all routes is the title DGNB Consultant and an active licence.
There must be at least three months between the date of your DGNB Consultant exam and the start date of your DGNB Auditor training. As soon as you receive a positive examination result, you can change your booking to an earlier start date.
In order to be able to maintain the title of DGNB Auditor, there is an obligation to provide evidence of 8 DGNB further education points per year as part of the licence agreement.
You can collect these points by attending a DGNB expert day or the training and further education courses offered by the DGNB Academy. With the submission and successful certification of a project, you also receive further education points. You can find an overview of the offers for obtaining a licence with the respective DGNB further education points here.
When the licence agreement is signed, proof of further education points must not be provided until the following calendar year (the examination date applies). The general licensing conditions can be found here.
DGNB member / Member of a cooperating training institution* | DGNB non-member | |
Supervised audit | 790 € | 990 € |
DGNB Auditor training | 1690 € | 2090 € |
All prices exclude VAT.
The reduced fees apply according to the DGNB fee schedule for all ordinary members and group members of the DGNB and their employees.
*Please enclose a valid proof of membership of the cooperating training institution with your booking.
Groups (from 10 persons)
For group bookings of 10 people or more, please contact us by email at
How to become a DGNB Auditor
You will work independently on the audit of a real project to be certified under the DGNB System – supervised by an experienced DGNB Auditor who holds a valid licence and has already successfully submitted at least one project to the DGNB for certification. You can use the DGNB expert search to independently find an experienced DGNB Auditor to act as your mentor during the audit.
The project in question must already have been registered with the DGNB by you or your supervising DGNB Auditor before you can register for the supervised audit at the DGNB Academy. Once your project has been successfully certified by the DGNB and the licence agreement has been signed, you will be awarded with the title DGNB Auditor.
In a hybrid format of self-learning phases with exercises, online live events and a final classroom event, we train you to become a DGNB Auditor within two months.
Using explanatory videos, short texts and learning success checks, you will acquire the process and application knowledge on our learning platform to successfully register and submit a project to the DGNB. Several exercises will give you a first feel for working with the DGNB Criteria. On the final attendance day, experienced DGNB Senior Auditors will give you an insight into the practical handling of a DGNB project. From the initial meeting, to the preparation of the tender, to project management during the project, you will gain valuable experience and advice.
Upon completion of the two-month programme, you will be awarded the status of DGNB Auditor.
Dates and registration

Become a DGNB Auditor
Please note: As the trainings are held in German, please switch to German language settings to make a booking.
Frequently asked questions about the DGNB Auditor
To become a DGNB Auditor, you must already be a licensed DGNB Consultant. You can qualify as a DGNB Auditor in several ways (see "How to become a DGNB Auditor").
In order to be allowed to use the title DGNB Auditor as well as the logo and to submit projects for DGNB Certification, we require the signing of a licensing agreement. You can find the general licensing conditions here.
With the DGNB Auditor training, you are first of all a DGNB Auditor for buildings. An extension to the system variant for districts can be obtained by attending the practical module Sustainable and livable districts.
As a DGNB Auditor, you also have the option of submitting projects for certification for the interiors system application. No further training is required for this. For more information on the DGNB System for Interiors, click here.
In order to be able to audit buildings in use, a qualification as a DGNB ESG-Manager is required. You can obtain this by attending the expert course "Sustainable, ESG-compliant real estate management". Please note the discounted events offered especially for existing DGNB Consultants and Auditors. More information can be found here.
After attending the event and signing the licence agreement, you may use the title DGNB ESG-Manager. An additional exam is not required. DGNB Auditors and Consultants can collect 8 continuing education points for the licence with the ESG-Manager training.
In order to receive the QNG seal, you must provide proof of sustainability certification for the project. As a DGNB Auditor, you are authorised to do this. You can find more information here:
Once you have submitted five successfully certified projects as a DGNB Auditor, please send this list of projects to After review and approval, you will receive the title DGNB Senior Auditor.
The following certificates are not eligible:
- Pre-certificates
- Multiple and serial certification
- Certificates for buildings in use or existing buildings
As a DGNB Senior Auditor, you must earn either 4 further education points per year or 8 further education points every two years to maintain your licence.
If you have completed your training as a DGNB Auditor with one of the DGNB System partners, you just need to have three successfully submitted projects for certification.
The following certificates are not eligible:
- Pre-certificates
- Multiple and serial certification
- Certificates for buildings in use or existing buildings
In this case, please send an email to
Your licence as an International DGNB Consultant is limited to the submission of projects in countries where there is no local version of the DGNB System so far.
If you would like to be active in the German market or in countries of DGNB System partners in the future, participation in the following events is required:
- DGNB practical module: Assessing and realising the recycling potential of building materials and structures (fee required)
- DGNB practical module: Identifying and selecting low-pollutant building materials (fee required)
- Differences DGNB System International vs. DGNB System (free of charge)
If you would like to extend your international licence, please contact us by e-mail via