DGNB for builders and project developers

What the DGNB has to offer for all those who realise building projects

More and more building owners and project developers are recognising the advantages of sustainability certification. They benefit from a demonstrably better property that is economically and ecologically optimised over its entire life cycle. A building or district in which the users feel comfortable, healthy and productive. There are several certification options for practically every type of use - in new construction, for renovations, for buildings in use or even for deconstruction.

Builders and project developers have the opportunity to specialise in the field of DGNB Certification. They can have employees trained as DGNB Auditors or Consultants to carry out the certification themselves. In the DGNBs participatory association, they can contribute their expertise in a targeted way, for example in the further development of the certification criteria. And the DGNB also has suitable offers for them on the topics of ESG and EU taxonomy.

DGNB Certification: The Global Benchmark for sustainability

Market leader in Germany, applied in around 30 countries and recognised as the most ambitious certification system for buildings and districts worldwide: that is the DGNB System. A DGNB Certification is possible for practically all types of use.

Learn more about the DGNB System

Why certification is worthwhile

The path to certification

Criteria and schemes

On BEG promotion with the QNG seal and the DGNB

Since the introduction of the federal funding scheme Efficient Buildings, or BEG for short, in 2021, holistic sustainable construction has become eligible for funding on a large scale for the first time. In order to obtain the Sustainable Building Quality Seal (QNG), which is obligatory for the funding, building owners must successfully pass a certification such as that offered by the DGNB.

The most important facts about BEG and QNG

Finding DGNB experts for your projects

Have you decided to have your building or district construction project accompanied by DGNB Certification? Then all you need is a DGNB Auditor to accompany you in your project. You can find an overview of all licensed DGNB experts here. Or train employees as DGNB Auditors yourself to keep the process in-house.

All DGNB Certification experts

Training to become a DGNB Auditor or Consultant

Die DGNB ist als akkreditierte Zertifizierungsstelle offiziell von der DAkkS anerkannt. Im Bild ist die Urkunde zu sehen.

Officially recognised as an accredited certification body by the DAkkS

The DGNB fulfils requirements for certification bodies whose certification services are a prerequisite for obtaining the QNG quality seal.

Jamand hält den DGNB Flyer zur ESG-Verifikation

ESG verification on EU taxonomy

Have the conformity of your project with the criteria of the EU taxonomy verified.


Ceremonial presentation of your DGNB award

Have you been successfully certified? Here you will find the options for the presentation of your award.

Im DGNB-zertifizierte Caleido in Stuttgart befindet sich auch die Geschäftsstelle der DGNB.

All DGNB certified projects

Would you like to know which projects have been certified by the DGNB? Here you will find the overview.

Ausgestellter Zertifizierungsreport 2021 auf der Expo Real 2022

DGNB Certification Report

Once a year we publish our own report with key figures on DGNB Certification and selected projects.


Train your own employees

Make your own employees certification experts or DGNB ESG-Managers.


Join the DGNB network

Become a member of our non-profit association and benefit from numerous advantages.