The modular training to become a DGNB Consultant will make you a recognised expert in sustainable planning and building and DGNB Certification. The training prepares you to apply the requirements of DGNB Certification in the design, planning and construction process and to implement them optimally in practice.
The Training will be held in German.
Learning objectives and skills taught
- You will gain extensive knowledge of the basics of DGNB certification and proof of a recognised degree.
- You will learn to implement the DGNB requirements for sustainable buildings and districts in the design, planning and construction process.
The title DGNB Consultant distinguishes experts in sustainable building and the DGNB System. DGNB Consultants are competent advisors on the certification process and support it with their expertise, for example in cooperation with a DGNB Auditor. The training to become a DGNB Consultant is a prerequisite for the advanced training to become a DGNB Auditor.
Please note: If you are interested in advising projects outside Germany, in countries where there is no adapted version of the DGNB System, you can find all the information about the International DGNB Consultant training here.
To the International DGNB Consultant

The most important facts at a glance
System module 1: Basics of the DGNB System
Duration: 1 digital seminar day (3,5 h)
- System module 2: Ecology and economy in building certification
Duration: 1 digital seminar day (3,5 h)
- System module 3: User comfort, technology and processes in building certification
Duration: 1 digital seminar day (3,5 h)
- System module 4: The DGNB System for Districts
Duration: 1 digital seminar day (3,5 h)
- Praxis module: freely selectable
Duration: 2 digital seminar days (2 x 90 min. each)
- Exam to become an DGNB Consultant
Duration: 45 min. or 75 min. on one exam day
Note on the exam: The online exam for the DGNB Consultant qualification is best taken with sufficient time between your attendance of the DGNB system modules and the practical module. This will enable you to prepare thoroughly for the exam. The self-study in preparation for the exam takes between 40 and 100 hours, depending on your personal learning style and previous level of knowledge.
We use multiple choice questions to test the contents of the four DGNB system modules in a 45-minute examination. If you have not yet completed the training to become a DGNB Registered Professional, we will also ask you to complete the content of the compact course Basics of Sustainable Building – this extends the examination time to 75 minutes. Please also take into account the additional time required for self-study of the DGNB Registered Professional examination content. To pass the exam, you must achieve at least 70 percent.
System module 1: Basics of the DGNB System
System module 2: The DGNB System for Districts
System module 3: Ecology and economy in building certification
System module 4: User comfort, technology and processes in building certification
Practical module: freely selectable
The choice of practical module determines the basis of your specialisation as a future DGNB Auditor.
- Attendance certificates for the system and practical modules you have attended in digital form
After passing the exam and signing the licence agreement:
- Acquisition of the recognised degree of DGNB Consultant
- DGNB Consultant certificate in digital form
- Listing as DGNB certification expert on the DGNB website
- DGNB Consultant logo in digital form for communicating your qualification (e.g. for your e-mail signature, website or communication materials)
- Access to the DGNB System Software and the building products platform DGNB Navigator
- Access to the exclusive area for DGNB Consultants and DGNB Auditors on the network platform myDGNB
- Possibility to participate in the DGNB Expert Day for your quick, compact and cost-effective further training as well as for exchange and networking with other DGNB certification experts
- Regular newsletter for DGNB certification experts
In order to be able to register for the exam, you must prove that you have attended the four DGNB system modules and one DGNB practical module. You may take the exam no later than 24 months after attending the first system module.
Furthermore, we require:
- a degree in urban planning, architecture, civil engineering, construction or real estate management
with one year of relevant professional experience (Master / Diploma) or
with three years of relevant professional experience (Bachelor) - or a degree as a state-certified / recognised technician with three years of relevant professional experience
- or a completed commercial-technical vocational training in industry or in the construction/manufacturing sector with five years of relevant professional experience
- or an entry in the energy efficiency expert list for federal funding programmes as a demonstrably qualified specialist for energy-efficient construction and refurbishment.
We also recognise qualifications acquired elsewhere in individual cases.
In order to be able to maintain the title of DGNB Consultant, there is an obligation to provide evidence of 6 DGNB further education points per year as part of the licence agreement. You can collect these points by attending a DGNB expert day or the training and further education courses offered by the DGNB Academy. You can find an overview of the offers for obtaining a licence with the respective DGNB further education points here.
When the licence agreement is signed, proof of further education points must not be provided until the following calendar year (the examination date applies). The general licensing conditions can be found here.
DGNB member / Member of a cooperating training institution* | DGNB non-member | |
System module 1 | 195 € | 275 € |
System module 2 | 195 € | 275 € |
System module 3 | 195 € | 275 € |
System module 4 | 195 € | 275 € |
Pracatical module | 300 € | 440 € |
Exam | ||
for participants with the title DGNB Registered Professional | 390 € | 490 € |
for participants without the title DGNB Registered Professional | 490 € | 630 € |
Total | ||
for participants with the title DGNB Registered Professional | 1470 € | 2030 € |
for participants without the title DGNB Registered Professional | 1570 € | 2170 € |
All prices exclude VAT.
The reduced fees apply according to the DGNB fee schedule for all ordinary members and group members of the DGNB and their employees.
*Please enclose a valid proof of membership of the cooperating training institution with your booking.
Groups (from 10 persons)
For group bookings of 10 people or more, please contact us by email at
Dates and registration

Become a DGNB Consultant
Please note: As the trainings are held in German, please switch to German language settings to make a booking.
Frequently asked questions about the DGNB Consultant
As a rule, the training to become a DGNB Consultant takes about three months. Participation in the four DGNB system modules and one practical module takes a maximum of 8 days. Self-study in preparation for the exam takes between 40 and 100 hours, depending on your personal learning style and previous knowledge.
After failing the DGNB Consultant exam for the first time, you will receive a second attempt free of charge. A third attempt is possible. For this, we charge 50 percent of the examination costs.
If you do not pass at the latest on the third attempt, you have the option of taking an oral examination as a last resort. This will only take place on request and in person at the DGNB office. We charge the full exam fee for this.
After completing the training as a DGNB Consultant and the subsequent training as a DGNB Auditor, you will normally first become a DGNB Auditor for buildings. However, if you attend the DGNB practical module "Planning sustainable and liveable districts" as part of your DGNB Consultant training and then successfully complete the path to becoming a DGNB Auditor, your competence as a DGNB Auditor is extended to include the system application of districts.
The DGNB system modules predominantly provide you with very specialised knowledge in relation to DGNB criteria and certification processes and are only offered by us and our cooperating training centres. Cooperating training centres issue a certificate of attendance which proves that you have attended the DGNB system modules or the DGNB practical modules. It is not possible to recognise seminars offered by providers other than our cooperating training centres.
The offer to attend the DGNB system and practice modules is open to all interested persons. Dates and registration can be found here.