DGNB networking events

Professional impulses and plenty of space for exchange are the focus of various event formats of the DGNB

Throughout the year, the DGNB organises numerous events that focus on networking among participants as well as providing impetus. You can find a list of all our recurring event formats here. All upcoming dates can also be found in our calendar of events.

DGNB Tag der Nachhaltigkeit

DGNB Sustainability Day: The main event of the DGNB community

Towards the end of June each year, the DGNB general assembly is our biggest networking event, with a full programme of activities.

Menschen diskustieren am Stehtisch

DGNB Ideas Lab: the annual knowledge and creativity event

Join us on a search for the white spots on the map of sustainable construction.

Menschengruppe bei draußen, die einer referierenden Person zuhört

Exclusively for members: DGNB out and about

Get extraordinary insights into certified projects and meet other DGNB members in your region.