DGNB Biodiversity Manager

Accompany certification in keeping with the DGNB System for Biodiversity-Promoting Exterior Spaces as a licensed Biodiversity Manager

A module-based programme, DGNB Biodiversity Manager training enables you to become a certification expert for the DGNB System for Biodiversity-Promoting Exterior Spaces. You will acquire the necessary knowledge and authorisation to submit exterior spaces around buildings and in urban districts for certification under the DGNB System, thus supporting asset holders and property owners at all stages of the certification process.

This training is held in German.

Learning objectives and skills taught

  • Gain an overview of environmental principles and interrelationships, as well as fundamentals governing design in keeping with nature and the maintenance of exterior spaces
  • You will gain extensive knowledge of the criteria used for the DGNB System for Biodiversity-Promoting Exterior Spaces
  • Learn how to apply and professionally manage DGNB requirements affecting the certification of biodiversity-promoting exterior spaces
  • You will be in a position to discuss the required evidence and documentation requirements of individual DGNB criteria with others involved in projects
  • You will have a firm grasp of important aspects of conformity checks and be authorised to submit exterior space projects to the DGNB for certification

The DGNB Biodiversity Manager title recognises certification experts in exterior spaces that promote biodiversity. DGNB Biodiversity Managers are specialists in auditing projects in accordance with the DGNB System for Biodiversity-Promoting Exterior Spaces and support property owners throughout the entire certification process.

Key facts at a glance

  • Experts in outdoor planning and biodiversity
  • (Landscape) architects
  • Town planners/urban planning experts
  • Biologists
  • Environmental engineers
  • Garden and landscape planners, landscapers and conservationists
  • Sustainability consultants or climate protection officer in companies
  • Facility managers
  • People already qualified as a DGNB Consultant or DGNB Auditor who also aim to offer and carry out DGNB Certification services under the Biodiversity-Promoting Exterior Spaces system*

*If you fall under this category, you may also take part in an abridged version of DGNB Biodiversity Manager training (see 'How to become a DGNB Biodiversity Manager').

 Development streamDevelopment stream as a DGNB ConsultantDevelopment stream as a DGNB Auditor
System Module 1: Basics of the DGNB System
(integral part of training to become a DGNB Consultant)
Expert Know-How – Biodiversity-Promoting Exterior Spacesxxx
Certification Know-How – Biodiversity-Promoting Exterior Spacesxx 
DGNB Biodiversity Manager examxSubmission of personal declaration for registration**
Qualification as a DGNB Biodiversity Manager
(approval of the licensing agreement including CPD (annual training) obligations)

x = compulsory

*We recommend completing System Module 1 one week before Expert Know-How – Biodiversity-Promoting Exterior Spaces.

Note on the examination: the online exam to qualify as a DGNB Biodiversity Manager takes place after participating in three modules (System Module 1, Expert Know-How – Biodiversity-Promoting Exterior Spaces and Certification Know-How – Biodiversity-Promoting Exterior Spaces). Self-study preparation for the exam takes approx. 25 hours, depending on your personal learning style and previous knowledge.

In a 30-minute examination we use multiple choice questions to test the contents of the first two modules (System Module 1 and Expert Know-How). To pass, you must achieve at least 70 per cent in the exam.

**Participation in the exam is not compulsory if you are already a certified DGNB Consultant or DGNB Auditor. Please note that you must submit a personal declaration with the licensing agreement to confirm you hold expertise in exterior planning. Preview the declaration here (in German).

System Module 1: Basics of the DGNB System


Expert Know-How – Biodiversity-Promoting Exterior Spaces

more on the course content and registration

Certification Know-How – Biodiversity-Promoting Exterior Spaces

MORE ON THE COURSE CONTENt and registration

  • Digital copy of certificates of attendance for the modules you have attended

After signing the licensing agreement:

  • Receipt of your officially recognised title as a DGNB Biodiversity Manager
  • DGNB Biodiversity Manager certificate in digital form
  • Listing as a DGNB Certification expert on the DGNB website
  • DGNB Biodiversity Manager logo in digital form incl. DGNB style guide for communicating your qualification (e.g. email signatures, website, marketing materials)
  • Access to the DGNB System Software and the DGNB Navigator building materials website
  • Access to the members-only area for DGNB Biodiversity Managers on the myDGNB networking website
  • Possibilities to participate in the DGNB expert day and receive fast-track and cost-effective training as well as exchange ideas and network with other DGNB Certification experts
  • Regular newsletters for DGNB Certification experts

To register for the exam, you must provide evidence that you have attended System Module 1 (Basics of the DGNB System), Expert Know-How – Biodiversity-Promoting Exterior Spaces and Certification Know-How – Biodiversity-Promoting Exterior Spaces. You must take the exam no later than 24 months after participating in these modules.

Furthermore, we require one of the following:

  • A degree in landscape planning, landscape conservation, landscape ecology, biodiversity, biology, horticulture, urban/town planning, (landscape) architecture, facility management
    - At least one year of relevant work experience (post-master/diploma)
    - At least three years of relevant work experience (post-bachelor)
  • Alternatively: completed vocational training in gardening and landscaping, or facility management with five years of relevant work experience
  • Alternatively: relevant experience in nature conservation and/or landscape planning with five years of relevant work experience

Under certain circumstances, we also recognise qualifications acquired in other areas.

Under the licensing agreement, to continue to use the DGNB Biodiversity Manager title you must provide evidence that you have earned 6 DGNB CPD points per year.

You can earn CPD points by attending the DGNB expert day or a CPD event organised by the DGNB Academy. You also receive CPD points for each successfully submitted and certified project. An overview of the offers for obtaining a licence with the respective CPD points can be found here.

Once you sign the licensing agreement, the CPD obligation begins in the calendar year following the year in which the examination to become a DGNB Biodiversity Manager was passed. Existing licensed DGNB Auditors and DGNB Consultants are exempt from the obligation to undergo further training as DGNB Biodiversity Managers. Further CPD points for obtaining a licence as a DGNB Auditor and DGNB Consultant must still be collected. For more on general licensing conditions, see here.

 DGNB member/member of a cooperating training institution*DGNB non-member
System Module 1 €0**/€195€0**/€275
Expert Know-How – Biodiversity-Promoting Exterior Spaces€300€440
Certification Know-How – Biodiversity-Promoting Exterior Spaces€580€780
DGNB Biodiversity Manager exam€110€160
Total cost€990**/€1185€1380**/€1655

All fees are subject to statutory VAT.

The reduced fees are subject to the DGNB fee schedule affecting all ordinary members and group members of the DGNB and their employees.

*When booking, please enclose valid evidence of membership of a cooperating training institution.
**The fee for System Module 1 does not apply if you book all required modules to become a DGNB Biodiversity Manager within one day. The booking confirmation you receive from us the following working day will show the price for System Module 1 as €0. This discount only applies to DGNB Biodiversity Manager training.

Groups (10 participants or more)
For group bookings of 10 people or more, please contact us by writing to academy@dgnb.de.

Dates and registration

Become a DGNB Biodiversity Manager

Please note: as courses are held in German, please switch to German language settings to make a booking.

Frequently asked questions about the DGNB Biodiversity Manager

The training programme (consisting of System Module 1: Basics of the DGNB System, Expert Know-How – Biodiversity-Promoting Exterior Spaces and Certification Know-How – Biodiversity-Promoting Exterior Spaces, plus the exam to become a DGNB Biodiversity Manager) lasts at least 8 weeks. For existing DGNB Consultants and DGNB Auditors, the training programme is shortened depending on the modules to be booked.

The exam will involve questions on the content of System Module 1 and Expert Know-How – Biodiversity-Promoting Exterior Spaces. Content from the course on Certification Know-How – Biodiversity-Promoting Exterior Spaces does not feature in the exam. We provide you with exam instructions to help you prepare for the exam. These can be found on the DGNB learning platform under Certification Know-How – Biodiversity-Promoting Exterior Spaces (currently only in German).

If you do not pass the DGNB Biodiversity Manager examination the first time, you will be given a second chance free of charge. It is also possible to attempt to pass the exam a third time but we do charge 50% of the examination fee for this.

If you have not passed by the third attempt, you have the final option of taking an oral examination. This will only take place on request and in person at the DGNB office. We charge the full examination fee for this.

To use the DGNB Biodiversity Manager title and logo, and submit projects for DGNB Certification, we require you to sign a licensing agreement. The general licensing conditions can be found here.

There is no licence fee. As a licensed DGNB Biodiversity Manager, you must, however, fulfil annual mandatory training (CPD) to maintain your licence. You can earn DGNB CPD points by attending paid events.

As a licensed DGNB Consultant/DGNB Auditor, you can expand your service portfolio with DGNB Biodiversity Manager training. For you, the training course is shorter. To learn more about your development stream see the section on How to become a DGNB Biodiversity Manager.

Once you have obtained your licence as a DGNB Consultant (6 CPD points) or DGNB Auditor (8 CPD points), you’ve also secured your DGNB Biodiversity Manager licence. The required CPD points are therefore not added together – despite two separate licences: licensing conditions (see exceptions).

Our training programme was developed in close cooperation with the Lake Constance Foundation as part of the UBi project looking at business and biodiversity.

The UBi project is sponsored by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation with funds from the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection as part of the Federal Biological Diversity Programme.

Your contacts

Alexandra Riemann

Alexandra Riemann

Course Content

Anna-Lisa Kölblin

Anna-Lisa Kölblin

Further Education Certification Experts