German Sustain­abil­ity Award for Archi­tec­ture

For more than 10 years, the DGNB and the German Sustainability Award Foundation have been awarding Germany's most important architecture prize for sustainable buildings.

Since 2013, the DGNB and the Stiftung Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis (i.e. German Sustainability Award Foundation) have been awarding the so-called "Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis" (i.e. German Sustainability Award) to inspiring architecture. The prize is awarded to projects that combine innovation, sustainability and high architectural quality in an exemplary manner. They provide answers to the question of how the building sector can effectively meet the major challenges of our time.

13th German Sustainability Award for Architecture
Building owners, architects and users have until 6 June 2025 to submit their projects for this year's competition online via the DNP website. Key information about the competition can be found below.

Directly to the application

It's worth applying

  • Participants receive two tickets for the congress
  • Participants receive access to Germany's largest sustainability network
  • The finalists and winners can use the DNP seal to communicate their success internally and externally
  • The finalists and winners will be guests on stage at the festive evening programme of the DGNB Architecture Event in November.
  • The finalists and the winning project will be shown during the evening awards ceremony for the German Sustainability Award.

Key information about the competition

In 2012, the DGNB and the German Sustainability Award Foundation created a special award for future-oriented construction, which was awarded for the first time in 2013. The German Sustainability Award for Architecture honours outstanding and exemplary achievements in the building sector that contribute towards the transformation to sustainable living and economic activity and also demonstrate great innovative strength and high design quality. The prize is awarded with the support of Caparol, the German Federal Chamber of Architects and the German Federal Foundation for Baukultur.

Applicationuntil 6th June 2025e.g. building owners, architects or usersParticipants had the opportunity to apply online via the DNP website.
Jury meetingJuly 2025Jury (see below)A panel of experts appointed as a jury in collaboration with the DNP will evaluate the submitted projects for their sustainability, innovative potential and architectural quality, nominate the finalists and select the winning DNP for Architecture project.
Award ceremonyNovember 2025 

For the first time, the winners will be announced in advance as part of an all-day DGNB architecture event in November. The award ceremony will take place during a festive evening programme. The date and venue will be announced shortly.

In addition, the finalists and the winner will be presented during the evening award ceremony of the German Sustainability Award. The evening gala will conclude the congress for the 18th German Sustainability Award, which will take place in Düsseldorf on 4 and 5 December 2025. All participants in the competition will receive two free tickets to the congress.

    • The competition is open to building owners, architects or users of buildings
    • The buildings must be located in Germany and be completed and in use at the time of entry
    • The buildings must be used by people (e.g. for daily public transport or as permanent workplaces or homes)
    • The building and its directly associated open spaces are taken into account
    • The buildings can be new, existing or extensively renovated
    • Interior only works are excluded from participating
    • Buildings must be no more than five years old / renovations must have been carried out within the last five years
    • DGNB certification is not required
    • The entry fee is €250 plus VAT

    Which projects are among the best in terms of overall concept? Where do they stand out in terms of innovation, design quality and sustainability? The panel of experts appointed as the jury in cooperation with the DNP examines all submissions in a careful selection process, nominates the finalists and determines the winner of the German Sustainability Award for Architecture. 

    This year's jury will be announced shortly.

    Looking back: The jury of the last competition


    Prof. Amandus Samsøe Sattler
    ensømble Studio Architektur Berlin, Architekt BDA



    Heike Gruner
    Geschäftsstelle Strategiedialog "bezahlbares Wohnen und innovatives Bauen" (SDB)


    Martin Haas
    haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050


    Prof. Thorsten Helbig
    knippershelbig GmbH


    Prof. Maren Kohaus
    sustainable architecture GmbH


    Reiner Nagel
    Bundesstiftung Baukultur


    Gabriele Pfründer
    Gebäudemanagement Schleswig-Holstein AöR


    Prof. Matthias Rudolph
    Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart


    Frank Schönert
    Büropartner Hütten & Paläste


    Ralph Wölffing-Seelig
    Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekt:innen, Landesverband Baden-Württemberg e.V.


    Federal Chamber of German Architects

    Federal Chamber of German Architects

    Bundesstiftung Baukultur

    Bundesstiftung Baukultur




    All previous winners

    An overview of all the winners and finalists of Germany's most important architecture award for sustainable buildings.


    Your contact

    Katrin Wolf

    Katrin Wolf

    Manager Trade Fairs, Events and Partnerships