Accreditation ­as an official certification ­body

The DGNB is officially recognised by the DAkkS as an accredited certification body

The DGNB has been recognised as an official body of certification by the DAkkS, the national accreditation unit of the Federal Republic of Germany. In simple terms, DAkkS accreditation is awarded following a successful state audit as a certification body. To conduct certifications, the DGNB assesses whether submitted projects conform to the applicable version of the DGNB System, and it was this process of conducting conformity checks that was submitted by the DGNB for assessment – and subsequent approval – by the DAkkS. The assessment carried out by the DAkkS is itself conducted in accordance with international DIN standard EN ISO/IEC 17065.

Gaining accreditation serves as official evidence that the DGNB certification scheme ­– as well as the required technical competence of our conformity assessment unit, i.e. the DGNB certification body ­– have been assessed and successfully confirmed as fulfilling auditing requirements. Not only does this underscore the high standards adhered to by the DGNB, but successful accreditation is also testament to the many years of experience and expertise gathered by the DGNB in conducting independent conformity assessments.

To view the certification of accreditation held in the DAkkS database of conformity assessment bodies, click here. Please note: The document is in German only.

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Accreditation certificate

Publication: 27.05.2024
Accreditation certificate D-ZE-18248-02-00 according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17065:2013
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Annex to the accreditation certificate

Publication: 27.05.2024
Accreditation certificate D-ZE-18248-02-00 according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17065:2013

The accreditation covers the following variants of DGNB Certification:

The benefits of accreditation

Credibility and trust

Accreditation as an official organisation of conformity assessment provides objective evidence that a certification body conducts its activities according to international standards. Not only does this engender trust in the assessment services of that accredited body, but it also serves to enhance the credibility and significance attached to certification. This is perceived both by parties seeking certification and by building stakeholders requiring certificates as a source of information or official evidence.

As such, the accreditation gained by the certification body of the DGNB benefits a wide range of stakeholders; the more trust invested in the DGNB certification process by members of the general public, the higher the value ­– both perceived and tangible – of DGNB Certificates.

Subsidies and eligibility

Accreditation also confirms that the DGNB fulfils key requirements laid down for providers of certification services. This is a prerequisite for parties undergoing certification in order to obtain the QNG quality seal (the Federal quality label for sustainable buildings). Gaining such confirmation of the sustainability of a building opens an important door to receiving efficient building subsidies through the German BEG programme.

The DGNB is authorised to carry out certifications in accordance with the above-mentioned versions of the DGNB System in conjunction with assessments according to the special requirements laid down for the German QNG programme. This applies to both new buildings (“New Construction” under DGNB Certification) and comprehensive refurbishments of residential and non-residential buildings (“Renovation” under DGNB Certification).

The DGNB certification body covers the assessment of QNG requirements for all versions of the quality seal:

 Quality level
Quality seal for sustainable buildings: version of sealQNG PlusQNG Premium

New construction and the complete renovation of non-residential buildings

Seal version: QNG-NW23


New construction and the complete renovation of residential buildings

Seal version: QNG-WG23



Documentation: DGNB System

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DGNB System certification programme

Publication: 14.05.2024
Version 1.1. of the certification programme, valid as of 14 May 2024.
Document|pdf|German|3 MB

Guidelines for verifying the requirements of the QNG quality seal for sustainable buildings as part of DGNB certification under version 2018 and 2023

Publication: 26.03.2024
Document|pdf|German|179 KB

Appended document to QNG guidelines

Publication: 01.04.2024
Multiple Certification/Serial Certification and the QNG seal
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Appended document for groups of buildings

Publication: 28.03.2024
Presentation of supporting evidence required for follow-on projects as part of Ensemble Certification
Presentation|pdf|German|4 MB

Presentation of DGNB Multiple Certification

Publication: 31.03.2020
Document|pdf|German|192 KB

Table showing requirements and the types and methods of assessment according to ISO/IEC 17067

Publication: 17.05.2024

Further information

Ein DGNB Zertifikat in Gold

The DGNB System

Find out more about the basic principles behind the DGNB's successful certification system.

Verleihung des ersten QNG-Siegels mit DGNB Zertifikats durch Bundesbauministerin Klara Geywitz

Federal funding programme BEG

Find out more about the funding for sustainable building with the DGNB Certificate and the Quality Seal for Sustainable Buildings (QNG).

Your contacts

Markus Kelzenberg

Markus Kelzenberg

Chief Executive Officer DGNB GmbH / Certification Body

Tina Schindler

Tina Schindler

Business Analyst