Optimising the building stock is one of the key factors when it comes to meeting challenges such as resource scarcity or the drastic reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
Certified experts who can assess existing buildings according to sustainability aspects and implement and ensure the responsible operation of properties are in demand on the market as never before. The reasons for this are increasing sustainability efforts by companies, drivers such as ESG, Green Deal, EU taxonomy and a real estate industry forced to act, which feels the associated risks and urgently seeks solutions to counteract them. ESG means taking environmental, social and governance considerations into account when making investment decisions in the financial sector.
With our training courses on sustainable, ESG-compliant real estate management, we are addressing precisely this issue. In principle, all modules can be booked individually: this gives you the opportunity to further your education according to your needs and your existing expertise. The combination of both modules lays the foundation for your possible qualification as a DGNB ESG-Manager. You achieve this by passing the subsequent exam and signing a licence agreement.
Learn more and educate yourself

Here you will find detailed information on the individual modules as well as the registration option.
Would you like to apply the DGNB System for Buildings in Use and submit projects for DGNB certification? Then find out about our advanced training to become a DGNB ESG-Manager.
Basic course "Sustainable, ESG-compliant real estate management"
Expert course "Sustainable, ESG-compliant real estate management"
Your contact
Tamea Rittershofer
Manager Training and Customer Service
- Phone: +49-711-722322-64