Project-specific enquiries

Do you have a question about the certifiability of your project or specific questions about indicators or criteria? We will be happy to discuss all open points with you. Please use our forms for your enquiry, which we provide centrally in the DGNB System Software.
Dialogue with other DGNB Certification experts

Would you like to exchange information with other experts on issues relating to DGNB Certification? You are welcome to use the closed area of our interactive networking platform myDGNB. Here you will also find specialist information on the application of the DGNB System and exclusive downloads.
Consulting hours for new DGNB System Experts

For all those who have recently completed their training as a DGNB Consultant or DGNB Auditor and are now about to start the process of DGNB Certification for Buildings, the DGNB Academy offers regular digital consultation hours. DGNB experts from the certification body and the research and development department will be available to answer your questions for 90 minutes each.
We will inform you regularly about upcoming dates in our mailing for auditors as well as in the exclusive myDGNB group for DGNB Auditors and Consultants.
Consulting hours for DGNB Certification

Are you a planner, architect or building owner who needs to know more about the DGNB System? Do you have a specific question or concern about DGNB Certification? Is your question not listed in our FAQs? We will be happy to advise you individually according to your wishes during the DGNB consultation hours: in person, by telephone or digitally. Our certification team will make an appointment for you quickly and easily.
You can reach us Monday to Thursday from 10:00 to 16:00 by phone on +49 (0)711 722322-44 or at any time by email at