Do you need picture material on the DGNB for your reporting? Here you will find a large selection of images, graphics and diagrams relating to the DGNB, which you are welcome to use in your media, provided you quote the copyright. We would be pleased if you would inform us about your contribution to the DGNB after publishing it - either by email with the link to your article or by post as a sample copy in the case of a print publication.

Press image: Dr. Christine Lemaitre
Dr. Christine Lemaitre, Chief Executive Officer DGNB e.V. | Image source: DGNB

Press image: Johannes Kreißig
Johannes Kreißig, Chief Executive Officer DGNB e.V. and DGNB GmbH | Image source: DGNB

Presse image: Dr. Christine Lemaitre und Johannes Kreißig
Dr. Christine Lemaitre and Johannes Kreißig, Chief Executive Officers DGNB e.V. | Image source: DGNB

Press image: Prof. Amandus Samsøe Sattler
Prof. Amandus Samsøe Sattler, DGNB President | Image soruce: DGNB

Press image: Dr. Anna Braune
Dr. Anna Braune, Director Research and Develpoment of the DGNB | Image source: DGNB

Press image: Dr. Christine Lemaitre
Dr. Christine Lemaitre, Chief Executive Officer DGNB e.V. | Image source: DGNB

Press image: Johannes Kreißig
Johannes Kreißig, Chief Executive Officer DGNB e.V. and DGNB GmbH | Image source: DGNB
Further press images

Your contacts
Felix Jansen
Director PR, Communications and Marketing
- Phone: +49-711-722322-32