In the further development of its certification systems, the DGNB ensures that they are compatible with other assessment systems. You can find out more about the specific reference in the documents on this page.
Alignment with the DGNB System New Construction of Buildings, Version 2023

DGNB and EU taxonomy (2nd edition)
Comparison of the criteria of the DGNB System for New Construction of Buildings (Version 2023) with the criteria of the EU taxonomy.

DGNB and Level(s)
Comparison of the criteria of the DGNB System for New Construction of Buildings (Version 2023) with the EU reporting framework Level(s).

Comparison of the criteria of the DGNB System for New Construction of Buildings (Version 2023) with the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN.
Alignment with the DGNB System Small Residential Buildings Renovation / New Construction, Version 2024
Learn more about the version of the system (in German)

DGNB and EU taxonomy (in German)
Comparison of the criteria of the DGNB System for Small Residential Buildings Renovation / New Construction (Version 2024) with the criteria of the EU taxonomy.

DGNB and QNG (in German)
Comparison of the criteria of the DGNB System for Small Residential Buildings Renovation / New Construction (Version 2024) with the requirements of the quality seal "Qualitätssiegel Nachhaltiges Gebäude" (QNG).

DGNB and SDGs (in German)
Comparison of the criteria of the DGNB System for Small Residential Buildings Renovation / New Construction (Version 2024) with the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN.