DGNB out
and about

Meet the DGNB network at exclusive member events
and visit certified projects

With "DGNB out and about", the association has developed an event format that is exclusive to all employees of our DGNB members and takes place regularly throughout Germany. Participants in the half-day series of events have the opportunity to find out about current DGNB projects, get to know the people behind the association and network with other representatives of member organisations. There is also an attractive supporting programme - usually a guided tour of DGNB certified projects.

Please note that these events will usually be held in German. If you wish to register, please switch to German language settings.

This is "DGNB out and about" at a glance

  • The latest first-hand information on the DGNB
  • Networking with other members in an informal setting at unusual locations
  • Exclusive insights into ongoing projects and discussions on current topics
  • Giving your own impulses for the DGNB through joint exchange
  • On-site visits, usually to DGNB-certified projects
  • DGNB compact: In this first part of the event, we will give new members and interested parties an overview of what membership means and how you can make the most of your membership. Participation in this part of the program is optional.

Meeting point: nhow Hotel located at ONE, Brüsseler Straße 1-3, 60327 Frankfurt

1:00 pm


1:30 pm
  • Introduction "DGNB compact"
3:00 pmRegistration / Break
3:30 pm
  • Welcome and introductory round
  • News from the DGNB
  • Project presentation and tour of "ONE"
  • Closing
6:30 pmEnd

Meeting point: Eclipse, PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH, Georg-Glock-Straße 22, 40474 Düsseldorf

1:00 pm


1:30 pm
  • Introduction "DGNB compact"
3:00 pmRegistration / Break
3:30 pm
  • Welcome and introductory round
  • News from the DGNB
  • Project presentation and tour of "ECLIPSE"
  • Closing
6:30 pmEnd

Meeting point: TRI, Elsenheimerstraße 31, 80687 München

1:00 pm


1:30 pm
  • Introduction "DGNB compact"
3:00 pmRegistration / Break
3:30 pm
  • Welcome and introductory round
  • News from the DGNB
  • Project presentation and tour of "TRI"
  • Closing
6:30 pmEnd

Meeting point: Integratives Familienzentrum des Deutschen Kinderschutzbund e.V., Lili-Elbe-Straße 7, 01307 Dresden

1:00 pm


1:30 pm
  • Introduction "DGNB compact"
3:00 pmRegistration / Break
3:30 pm
  • Welcome and introductory round
  • News from the DGNB
  • Project presentation and tour of "Integratives Familienzentrum des Deutschen Kinderschutzbund e.V."
  • Closing
6:30 pmEnd

Meeting point: Businesspark timeport 2, Barkhausenstraße 2, 27568 Bremerhaven

Please note: The project tour is a site visit. Access is not barrier-free.

10:00 am


10:30 am
  • Introduction "DGNB compact"
12:00 pmRegistration / Break
12:30 pm
  • Welcome and introductory round
  • News from the DGNB
  • Project presentation and tour of "Gründungszentrum Green Economy"
  • Closing
3:30 pmEnd

Your contact

Marlen Wörz

Marlen Wörz

Events and Speaker Service

Julia Treiber

Julia Treiber

Project Manager Trade Fairs and Events