In order to promote the architectural quality and thus the longevity of buildings, the DGNB offers the assessment of design and building culture quality in a separate process as part of the DGNB Diamond award procedure. The assessment criteria were developed in 2015 together with the Federal Chamber of Architects (BAK) and the Association of German Architects (BDA).
DGNB Diamond award procedure
The DGNB Diamond is awarded to DGNB Gold or Platinum certified projects that demonstrate outstanding quality in terms of building culture and design. In addition to the DGNB Diamond, DGNB recognition can also be awarded for good design and architectural quality.
Projects registered for the DGNB Diamond award procedure are assessed for design quality during an on-site inspection by an independent commission. The assessment is based on defined criteria for the design and architectural quality of buildings. Registration is possible from the start of the project. The on-site visit, and therefore the assessment, takes place after the building has been completed and occupied. If it can be demonstrated that the project will achieve at least DGNB Gold certification, the inspection can take place before the certification process is completed.
Criteria and assessment

Each building project is examined and assessed for its design and architectural quality. A central component of the assessment is an on-site inspection with members of the Commission for Design Quality. In order to ensure a comprehensible assessment of design quality and Baukultur, the DGNB has defined four criteria for assessment together with its partners and other experts.
All design criteria that are to be assessed are considered under the aspect of appropriateness and timelessness. This also includes the construction, materiality and scale per se as well as the adequacy of the task with regard to the implementation. "Context" encompasses, among other things, the urban integration into the neighbourhood and the treatment of open spaces in relation to the building as well as to the surroundings. The term "design" refers to aspects such as proportion, composition and the overall impression of the project. "Floor plan" includes form and flexibility as well as user-friendly aspects such as orientation, visual relationships and spatial references.
Project documentation in digital form is required to enable the Commission for Design Quality to prepare for the on-site inspection. This should preferably be prepared by the responsible architect's office.
Documents to be submitted
- Drawings: Site plan, relevant floor plans including ground floor, sections, views
- Relevant photographs: interior and exterior
- Text on design, sustainability concept, other special features
- Other (e.g. pictograms)

Register for the DGNB Diamond award process
Do you have a new construction or renovation project that has been awarded DGNB Gold or Platinum and in which particular emphasis has been placed on Baukultur and design quality? In this case, please contact us via e-mail in order to register your project for the DGNB Diamond assessment.
Examples of projects that have received an award

Department Stores

Offices and Administriative Buildings