The 2018 version of the DGNB System for New Construction of Buildings is the previous market version of the DGNB System for New Construction of Buildings and has been replaced by the current 2023 market version.
DGNB Criteria Set New Construction Buildings, Version 2018
Notes on certification and registration:
For projects already registered, the system version valid at the time of registration applies. However, it is possible to switch to the new version in consultation with the certification body.
Projects that are already registered for certification in accordance with the DGNB System for New Construction of Buildings, Version 2018, must submit the signed contract documents to the DGNB by 31 October 2024.
Projects that are aiming for the quality label "Qualitätssiegel Nachhaltiges Gebäude" (QNG) and have submitted a PCQ request to the DGNB by 31 July 2024 can still register their project for certification in accordance with the DGNB System for New Construction of Buildings, Version 2018 until 31 December 2024. The contract documents must be signed and received by the DGNB by 28 February 2025.
For all other projects, registration has only been possible for the 2023 version since 1 December 2023. A DGNB Auditor is required for the certification application and process. On our overview page you will find all the DGNB Certification experts you can request for your project. Projects that have already been certified can be found here.
Certification criteria
The DGNB System does not evaluate individual measures, constructions or components, but the overall performance of a building based on criteria. If these criteria are met in an outstanding manner, the building receives a certificate or pre-certificate in Platinum, Gold or Silver.
The DGNB System for New Construction of Buildings in the 2018 version comprises a total of 37 criteria from the six thematic fields of environmental, economic, sociocultural, technical, process and site quality. In the 2023 version, the system comprises 29 criteria. It should be noted that not every criterion is relevant for every schmeme. Depending on the scheme, the weighting of the individual criteria may vary. The DGNB provides the complete criteria set online free of charge.
The criteria of environmental quality allow an assessment to be made with regard to the effects of buildings on the global and local environment as well as the impact on resources and the generation of waste.
- Building life cycle assessment (ENV1.1)
- Local environmental impact (ENV1.2)
- Sustainable resource extraction (ENV1.3)
- Potable water demand and waste water volume (ENV2.2)
- Land use (ENV2.3)
- Biodiversity at the site (ENV2.4)
The criteria of sociocultural and functional quality help to assess buildings with regard to health, comfort and user satisfaction as well as the essential aspects of functionality.
- Thermal comfort (SOC1.1)
- Indoor air quality (SOC1.2)
- Acoustic comfort (SOC1.3)
- Visual comfort (SOC1.4)
- User control (SOC1.5)
- Quality of indoor and outdoor spaces (SOC1.6)
- Safety and security (SOC1.7)
- Design for all (SOC2.1)
The criteria of technical quality provide a scale for evaluating the technical quality in view of relevant sustainability aspects.
- Sound insulation (TEC1.2)
- Quality of the building envelope (TEC1.3)
- Use and integration of building technology (TEC1.4)
- Ease of cleaning building components (TEC1.5)
- Ease of recovery and recycling (TEC1.6)
- Immissions control (TEC1.7)
- Mobility infrastructure (TEC3.1)
The criteria of process quality aim to increase the planning quality and the construction quality assurance.
- Comprehensive project brief (PRO1.1)
- Sustainability aspects in tender phase (PRO1.4)
- Documentation for sustainable management (PRO1.5)
- Procedure for urban and design planning (PRO1.6)
- Construction site / construction process (PRO2.1)
- Quality assurance of the construction (PRO2.2)
- Systematic commissioning (PRO2.3)
- User communication (PRO2.4)
- FM-compliant planning (PRO2.5)
Certification requirements
At the time of certification, the building should not have been completed or commissioned more than three years ago. If it is intended to certify a new building that was completed or commissioned more than three years ago, this must be agreed with the DGNB Office via a project-specific request for certifiability (PCQ) by a DGNB Auditor before the project is registered. As a rule, it is always possible to certify a building according to the current system.
In general, the following DGNB minimum requirements apply:
- Indoor air quality (minimum requirements in accordance with SOC1.2 criterion)
- Design for all (minimum requirements in accordance with SOC2.1 criterion)
- Statutory requirements: The statutory requirements that apply to the building to be certified must be fulfilled.
Where individual regulations with regard to minimum requirements exist, these are listed in this document in the section titled "Scheme-specific information".
Expert reports, analyses and simulations must make reference to the current planning status or the building as it was actually constructed. If expert reports and simulations made reference to a previous planning status, evidence must be provided to clearly demonstrate that they continue to be valid and relevant.
Primary use: The scheme with the largest share of the total DGNB assessment area is designated as the primary use. In the case of mixed use, the scheme with the largest share of space is designated as the primary use. If classification is not clearly possible (e.g. 40 percent office, 40 percent residential, 20 percent commercial building), the auditor must determine the primary use and justify the decision.
Secondary use: One or more uses that are assigned to a different scheme than the primary use and whose area share of the total DGNB assessment area is ≥ 15% are referred to as secondary use. The areas of a secondary use must be evaluated with the corresponding scheme. If there is at least one secondary use, the building under consideration must be evaluated according to the mixed use application rules.
Subordinate use: One or more uses that are assigned to a different scheme than the primary use and whose area share is < 15 % (or in case of several schemes < 30 %) of the DGNB assessment area are referred to as subordinate use. These areas are to be assigned to the primary use and are to be evaluated according to the primary use scheme. If there are several secondary uses < 15% of DGNB assessment area and the sum of their area shares in the DGNB assessment area is ≥ 30%, the subordinate use with the largest area share is to be considered as secondary use.
Certification is possible as a single certification, ensemble certification and multiple or serial certification. Unless otherwise stated in the individual criteria, only the building and the open spaces directly associated with it are considered.
Standard case: One certificate for the entire building

Certification is possible as a single certification, ensemble certification and multiple or serial certification. Here you will find the delimitation rules for the classification of project certifiability. Unless otherwise stated in the individual criteria, only the building and the open spaces directly associated with it are considered.
If a different certification is intended, this must be agreed with the DGNB Office via a project-specific request (PCQ) in the DGNB System Software by a DGNB Auditor before the project is registered.
More than one certificate

Buildings are to be certified separately if the building structures are clearly separated from each other. The underground car park is to be allocated to the building structures in accordance with the parking space certificate.
If a different certification is intended, this must be agreed with the DGNB Office via a project-specific request (PCQ) in the DGNB System Software by a DGNB Auditor before the project is registered.
Several buildings on one plot

Ensemble certification is possible for buildings on a site that are largely identical in construction. This must be agreed with the DGNB Office via a project-specific request (PCQ) in the DGNB System Software by a DGNB Auditor before the project is registered.
More about ensemble certification
Identical buildings at different locations

This form of certification is used for structures such as consumer markets or prefabricated houses that are built identically at different locations.
More about multiple certification

As with the other DGNB Certification Systems, the DGNB System for New Construction of Buildings assesses fulfilment levels. The overall degree of fulfilment is calculated from the assessment of the individual criteria. The highest award level is Platinum.
From an overall degree of fulfilment of 50 percent, the building receives the DGNB Certificate Silver. From a degree of fulfilment of 65 percent, the DGNB Certificate Gold is awarded. For a DGNB Certificate Platinum, the project must achieve an overall degree of fulfilment of 80 percent.
The DGNB aims to promote a uniformly high quality of buildings. The overall degree of fulfilment alone is therefore not sufficient for a certificate. Therefore, the minimum requirements described above on this page must also be met.
Specific applications
Within the scope of certification for new construction, there are further award and application options that address potential special features in construction projects. These specific applications include: