
Biological Diversity

Overarching goals for 2030

Stable and diverse ecosystems are our natural foundation of life. They provide fresh air and clean water, they remove CO2 from the atmosphere, they are more resilient to changes caused by climate change, they ensure the pollination of (agricultural) plant life and harvests, they have a positive impact on people's health and, last but not least, they offer appealing places to spend time in and relax. However, the diversity of species and ecosystems is dwindling rapidly.

According to the vision of the EU Biodiversity Strategy, by 2050, all ecosystems worldwide will be restored, resilient and adequately protected. The same strategy calls for the principles of a global 'net gain' and a halt to human-induced species extinction. 'Net gain' means giving more back to nature than we consume. Specifically, the EU Biodiversity Strategy includes a field of action for the "greening of urban and peri-urban areas", in which the promotion of healthy ecosystems, green infrastructure and nature-based solutions should be systematically incorporated into urban planning and thus become an integral element of the design of public spaces, infrastructure, buildings and their surroundings. Furthermore, stronger connections should be forged between green spaces, pesticides should be avoided and more energy should be invested in ecological maintenance.

Our Objectives

3.1 More space for biodiversity

100% of newly developed and newly sealed land is returned to nature.

3.2 Biodiversity-promoting vegetation

Plant life in urban districts, on buildings and in nearby outdoor spaces strengthens and promotes biodiversity.

3.3 Active habitats

Urban districts, buildings and outdoor spaces serve as active habitats for native flora and fauna.

3.4 Networked green and open spaces

Urban districts, buildings and outdoor spaces blend into their natural surroundings and connect with the local environment.

3.5 Living supply chain ☼

Materials used for building processes, the operation of buildings and production processes support the fulfilment of biodiversity goals beyond sites.

Note: The ☼ symbol indicates objectives that should ideally by realised but either involve a great deal of effort to implement or can only be demonstrated using methods that are not yet established.

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DGNB Criteria Set Future Project, Version 2030

Publication: 12.03.2025

Your contact

Dr. Anna Braune

Dr. Anna Braune

Director Research and Development