
Regional networking

Overarching goals for 2030

Buildings and districts are integrated into urban systems, which in turn are integrated into regional networks and supply systems. Only together and across different areas can major challenges fuelled by the transition to sustainable transportation, (land) use conflicts, resource distribution and the establishment of sustainable supply chains be leveraged and managed as opportunities for the local area.

According to the New Leipzig Charter, building and urban district developments should be considered within the context of spatial factors. Political strategies and instruments for functionally coherent areas should be harmonised, not only locally but also on a regional level. This should also include housing, industrial land, travel solutions, services, green and blue infrastructure, material flows, local and regional food systems, and energy supplies. With regard to transport, additional climate protection targets are defined by the Federal Climate Protection Act, which legally enshrine a reduction in greenhouse gases in the transport sector by 2030 and climate neutrality by 2045. As the backbone of regions, companies and economic stakeholders should also operate sustainably. According to the German Sustainability Strategy, this entails striking a healthy balance between economic success, social cohesion, the protection of natural resources and the exercise of international responsibility.

Our Objectives

7.1 Regional networking

Site-based activities support networking within the region, making positive contributions to the realisation of overarching regional goals.

7.2 Sustainable mobility

The travel behaviour of users is geared towards a modal split that is defined sustainably in keeping with the site; support is given to active forms of travel, preference is given to using public transport and the degree of travel in vehicles powered by sustainable drive systems is kept in line with targets through active management measures.

7.3 Positive for the region ☼

Site-based activities strengthen the region by making use of sustainable business models within the region.

7.4 Fair supply chains

High ethical standards are demonstrably adhered to in the use, renovation or construction of buildings and their outdoor spaces – in all supply chains, thus supporting fair global cooperation.

Note: The ☼ symbol indicates objectives that should ideally by realised but either involve a great deal of effort to implement or can only be demonstrated using methods that are not yet established.

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DGNB Criteria Set Future Project, Version 2030

Publication: 12.03.2025

Your contact

Dr. Anna Braune

Dr. Anna Braune

Director Research and Development