Our evaluation
After reviewing the label according to the requirements of the DGNB, we come to the following conclusion:
The label WOOD FROM HERE is recognised within the scope of certification for criterion ENV1.3 of version 2018 Buildings and Interiors in quality level 1.3. In addition, the label can be used for the indicator 3. regionally sourced raw materials of criterion ENV1.3 version 2018 interiors. The recognition is granted for the product group wood.
The label HOLZ VON HIER (WOOD FROM HERE) sets requirements for sustainable forest management and advocates the targeted and increased use of wood products with short distances in the processing chain. The label identifies particularly climate-friendly wood products from domestic forests. In this way, HOLZ VON HIER makes an important contribution to sustainable forest management, biodiversity, resource efficiency and regional value creation. In addition, the label fulfils social aspects.
The verification of the award criteria is carried out seamlessly via an externally controlled electronic inventory management system. The award criteria are co-designed by independent stakeholders. If a label holder violates the award criteria of the label, it must remedy the deficiencies, otherwise the label will be withdrawn.
The recognition is valid for the certification level Certified and is valid for one year from the release of this test report, i.e. until 31 December 2025.
After expiry, the recognition of the certification level Certified shall be reviewed by HOLZ VON HIER on the basis of subsequent submissions.
Check results
Systemic requirements | Requirements are fulfilled | Requirements are partly fulfilled | Requirements are not fulfilled |
1. Transparency / Accessibility | ✓ | ||
2. Objectivity / Impartiality | ✓ | ||
3. Principles of allocation | ✓ | ||
4. Reference to standard | ✓ | ||
5. Production and further development | ✓ | ||
6. Alternative evidence | ✓ |
Requirements in terms of content Social requirements | Requirements are fulfilled | Requirements are partly fulfilled | Requirements are not fulfilled |
1. Prohibition of child and forced labour | ✓ | ||
2. Compliance with basic ILO standards | ✓ | ||
3. Compliance with labour rights | ✓ | ||
4. Protection of the right to association | ✓ | ||
5. Equal pay / non-discrimination | ✓ | ||
6. Preservation of cultural values | ✓ | ||
7. Ethical business practices | ✓ |
Ecological requirements | Requirements are fulfilled | Requirements are partly fulfilled | Requirements are not fulfilled |
1. Protection and preservation of biodiversity | ✓ | ||
2. Protection of ecosystems | ✓ | ||
3. Preservation of protective functions | ✓ | ||
4. Preservation of soils and landscapes | ✓ | ||
5. Preservation of soil quality | ✓ | ||
6. Preservation of the natural water cycle | ✓ | ||
7. Reduction of water consumption | Requirement is not relevant | ||
8. Prevention of water pollution | ✓ | ||
9. Waste prevention | Requirement is not relevant | ||
10. Preservation of air quality | Requirement is not relevant | ||
11. Reduction of transports | ✓ |
*The criteria for awarding the label were developed by independent bodies. Continuous monitoring takes place. Due to the short existence of the label, the award criteria have not yet been adapted, but this is planned.
Your contact
E-mail: labelanerkennung@dgnb.de