Label CSC

DGNB recognised standard

Label CSC

General information

  • Product group: Concrete
  • Label certification level: Silver or higher level
  • Recognised for: Criterion ENV1.3 Indicator 1 Quality level 1.2
  • Additional requirements: -
  • Additional evidence required: Evidence of delivery note (with project name) and CSC certificate number
  • Validity: 31 December 2025



Our evaluation

After checking the label according to the requirements of the DGNB, we come to the following conclusion:

  • The label CSC - The Concrete Sustainability Council Certification System is recognised (in the product group concrete) for the criterion ENV1.3 Indicator 1 of the version 2018 DGNB System Criteria Catalogue New Buildings and Interiors in the quality level 1.2 for the CSC award level Silver or higher.
  • The label CSC - The Concrete Sustainability Council Certification System R-Module is recognised (in the product group concrete) for the criterion ENV1.3 Indicator 2 of the version 2018 DGNB System Criteria Catalogue Buildings New Construction quality level 2.2. and Interiors in the quality level 2.2.1 Finishing for the award level CSC Silver or higher.



The Concrete Sustainability Council Certification System (CSC) contributes to a long-term increase in sustainability in the cement, raw materials, and concrete industry by certifying concrete through the manufacturing process to the value chain. In addition to the basic requirements of compliance with applicable laws, human rights, and a traceable material origin, the CSC certification also includes criteria in the categories of management, environment, social responsibility, and economy. It is a newly developed certification system that consists of three parts of the supply chain. These are aggregates, cement and concrete production.

The basis for the recognition are exclusively the aspects to be considered for the DGNB criterion ENV1.3.

Since CSC is an assessment system that not only includes aspects of responsible sourcing, but also assesses other topics, the DGNB label recognition last year was also based on assessments of previously awarded CSC certifications (silver or higher). The evaluation of the available assessments showed a sufficient intersection with the requirements of the DGNB for a DGNB recognition of quality level 1.2.

As part of the further development of the CSC certification system, version 2.0, CSC has now included new prerequisites that increase the intersection with the requirements we have formulated. Further prerequisites will be added in 2021. For a renewed extension of the recognition, CSC must again submit an evaluation of the certifications carried out up to that point as a basis for assessment, which shows the compliance of the CSC Silver and/or Gold certificates with the requirements formulated by the DGNB.

We still see development potential particularly in the certification of the supply chain areas aggregates and cement, as currently mainly certificates for concrete production are available. We also consider a more comprehensive definition of minimum requirements to be useful.

The ecological and social aspects for which fulfilment of the DGNB requirements cannot be guaranteed by a CSC certificate vary depending on the certification level. Development potentials result from the obligation to comply with a deterioration ban as well as land minimisation and soil conservation.

CSC R module: This year, CSC has expanded its certification system for concrete to include the R-Module. The R-module builds on the already recognised CSC certification system (concrete, cement and aggregates sector). The basic requirement for acquiring the CSC R-module is a CSC certificate of level Silver or higher.



The recognition is valid for the certification level Silver or higher level and is valid for one year from the release of this test report, i.e. until 31 December 2025.

After expiry, the recognition of the certification level Silver is to be reviewed by CSC on the basis of subsequent submissions. An adjustment of the CSC certification system has been announced.

Check results

Systemic requirements

Requirements are fulfilledRequirements are partly fulfilledRequirements are not fulfilled
1.  Transparency / Accessibility  
2. Objectivity / Impartiality  
3.  Principles of allocation  
4. Reference to standard  
5. Production and further development  
6. Alternative evidence  

Requirements in terms of content

Social requirements

Requirements are fulfilledRequirements are partly fulfilledRequirements are not fulfilled
1. Prohibition of child and forced labour  
2. Compliance with basic ILO standards  
3. Compliance with labour rights  
4. Protection of the right to association  
5. Equal pay / non-discrimination  
6. Preservation of cultural values  
7. Ethical business practices  
Ecological requirements Requirements are fulfilledRequirements are partly fulfilledRequirements are not fulfilled
1. Protection and preservation of biodiversity  
2. Protection of ecosystems  
3. Preservation of protective functions  
4. Preservation of soils and landscapes  
5. Preservation of soil quality  
6. Preservation of the natural water cycle  
7. Reduction of water consumption  
8. Prevention of water pollution  
9. Waste prevention  
10. Preservation of air quality  
11. Reduction of transports  

Label CSC R-Modul

General information

  • Product group: Concrete
  • Label certification level: Silver or higher level
  • Recognised for: Criterion ENV1.3 Indicator 1 Quality level 2.2 for DGNB interiors: quality level 2.2.1
  • Additional requirements: At least 10% of secondary raw materials
  • Additional evidence required: 

    Evidence of delivery note with project designation, CSC certificate number and content specification of the R material


    Evidence of delivery note with project designation and supplementary manufacturer's confirmation to the delivery note with CSC certificate number and content information of the R material possible

  • Validity: 31 December 2025



Our evaluation

After checking the label according to the requirements of the DGNB, we come to the following conclusion:

  • The label CSC - The Concrete Sustainability Council Certification System is recognised (in the product group concrete) for the criterion ENV1.3 Indicator 1 of the version 2018 DGNB System Criteria Catalogue New Buildings and Interiors in the quality level 1.2 for the CSC award level Silver or higher.
  • The label CSC - The Concrete Sustainability Council Certification System R-Module is recognised (in the product group concrete) for the criterion ENV1.3 Indicator 2 of the version 2018 DGNB System Criteria Catalogue Buildings New Construction quality level 2.2. and Interiors in the quality level 2.2.1 Finishing for the award level CSC Silver or higher.



The Concrete Sustainability Council Certification System (CSC) contributes to a long-term increase in sustainability in the cement, raw materials, and concrete industry by certifying concrete through the manufacturing process to the value chain. In addition to the basic requirements of compliance with applicable laws, human rights, and a traceable material origin, the CSC certification also includes criteria in the categories of management, environment, social responsibility, and economy. It is a newly developed certification system that consists of three parts of the supply chain. These are aggregates, cement and concrete production.

The basis for the recognition are exclusively the aspects to be considered for the DGNB criterion ENV1.3.

Since CSC is an assessment system that not only includes aspects of responsible sourcing, but also assesses other topics, the DGNB label recognition last year was also based on assessments of previously awarded CSC certifications (silver or higher). The evaluation of the available assessments showed a sufficient intersection with the requirements of the DGNB for a DGNB recognition of quality level 1.2.

As part of the further development of the CSC certification system, version 2.0, CSC has now included new prerequisites that increase the intersection with the requirements we have formulated. Further prerequisites will be added in 2021. For a renewed extension of the recognition, CSC must again submit an evaluation of the certifications carried out up to that point as a basis for assessment, which shows the compliance of the CSC Silver and/or Gold certificates with the requirements formulated by the DGNB.

We still see development potential particularly in the certification of the supply chain areas aggregates and cement, as currently mainly certificates for concrete production are available. Likewise, we consider an even more comprehensive definition of minimum requirements to be useful.

The ecological and social aspects for which fulfilment of the DGNB requirements cannot be guaranteed by a CSC certificate vary depending on the certification level. Development potentials arise from the obligation to comply with a prohibition of deterioration as well as land minimisation and soil conservation.

CSC R-Module: This year, CSC has expanded its certification system for concrete to include the R-Module. The R-module builds on the already recognised CSC certification system (concrete, cement and aggregates sector). The basic prerequisite for acquiring the CSC R-module is a CSC certificate of silver level or higher.



The recognition is valid for the certification level Silver or higher and is valid for one year from the release of this test report, i.e. until 31 December 2025.

After expiry, the recognition of the certification level Silver is to be reviewed by CSC on the basis of subsequent submissions. An adjustment of the CSC certification system has been announced.

Check results

Systemic requirementsRequirements are fulfilledRequirements are partly fulfilledRequirements are not fulfilled
1. Transparency / Accessibility  
2. Objectivity / Impartiality  
3. Principles of allocation  
4. Reference to standard  
5. Production and further development  
6. Alternative evidence  

Requirements in terms of content

Social requirements

Requirements are fulfilledRequirements are partly fulfilledRequirements are not fulfilled
1. Prohibition of child and forced labour  
2. Compliance with basic ILO standards  
3. Compliance with labour rights  
4. Protection of the right to association  
5. Equal pay / non-discrimination  
6. Preservation of cultural values  
7. Ethical business practices  
Ecological requirementsRequirements are fulfilledRequirements are partly fulfilledRequirements are not fulfilled
1. Protection and preservation of biodiversity  
2. Protection of ecosystems  
3. Preservation of protective functions  
4. Preservation of soils and landscapes  
5. Preservation of soil quality  
6. Preservation of the natural water cycle  
7. Reduction of water consumption  
8. Prevention of water pollution  
9. Waste prevention  
10. Preservation of air quality  
11. Reduction of transports  


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