Label PEFC

DGNB recognised standard

Label PEFC

General information

  • Product group: Wood
  • Label certification level: Certified (100%)
  • Recognised for: Criterion ENV1.3 Quality level 1.3
  • Additional requirements: -
  • Additional evidence required: -
  • Validity: 31 December 2025

Label PEFC

General information

  • Product group: Wood
  • Label certification level: Certified (70-100%)
  • Recognised for: Criterion ENV1.3 Quality level 1.2
  • Additional requirements: -
  • Additional evidence required: -
  • Validity: 31 December 2025

Label PEFC

General information

  • Product group: Wood
  • Label certification level: Recycled
  • Recognised for: Criterion ENV1.3 Quality level 2.2
  • Additional requirements: -
  • Additional evidence required: -
  • Validity: 31 December 2025

Our evaluation

After checking the label according to the requirements of the DGNB, we come to the following conclusion:

The PEFC label is recognised within the scope of certification for criterion ENV1.3 of the 2018 version DGNB System Criteria Catalogue New Buildings and Interiors as follows:

1. PEFC (100%) in quality level 1.3.
Recognition is granted for the product group wood and wood-based materials.
2. PEFC (70-100%) in quality level 1.2.
Recognition is granted for the product groups wood and wood-based materials.
3. PEFC recycled in quality level 2.2.
Recognition is granted for the product group wood and products made from recycled paper.



The aim of the PEFC label is sustainable forest management and thus the improvement of social, ecological and economic standards. The certificate guarantees the origin of the wood. PEFC has developed internationally uniform requirements and on this basis recognises existing national certification systems in the respective countries.

The criteria for awarding the label are verified transparently by an independent inspection body. Due to the small-scale structure of forest ownership, however, the requirements are only checked in part and on a random basis. If a label holder violates the criteria for awarding the label, he must remedy the deficiencies, otherwise the label can be withdrawn.

The ecological and social requirements that are currently not fulfilled are as follows
Ecological requirements:

8. Prevention of water pollution
8.2 Fertilisers
8.3 Pesticides

partially fulfilled are:
Social requirements:

2. Compliance with ILO core labour standards
2.3 Sufficient medical care

Development potential results from the implementation of unfulfilled requirements such as the avoidance of fertilisers and pesticides. Further potentials arise from ensuring sufficient medical care for forest workers and anchoring the demand for fair employment contracts and wages at the international level. Furthermore, it would be desirable to increase the sample size in countries with small-scale forest ownership structures so that individual operations are actually inspected more frequently.

References to the recognised labels:

1. The PEFC label stands for products that contain 100% material from PEFC-certified forests.
2. The PEFC label can also be used for products that contain at least 70% PEFC-certified material from the forest or from recycled material. The maximum content of recycled material is less than 85%. The content of PEFC-certified material is verified by a chain-of-custody standard recognised by PEFC. Proof of the quantity used is provided on a product-specific basis on the supplier's delivery note or invoice.
3. The PEFC recycled label stands for products that contain at least 70 % "PEFC certified" material from recycled sources.



The recognition is valid for one year from the date of publication of this test report, i.e. until 31 December 2025.

Check result

Systemic requirementsRequirements are fulfilledRequirements are partly fulfilledRequirements are not fulfilled
1. Transparency / Accessibility  
2. Objectivity / Impartiality  
3. Principles of allocation  
4. Reference to standard  
5. Production and further development  
6. Alternative evidence  

Requirements in terms of content

Social requirements

Requirements are fulfilledRequirements are partly fulfilledRequirements are not fulfilled
1. Prohibition of child and forced labour  
2. Compliance with basic ILO standards  
3. Compliance with labour rights  
4. Protection of the right to association  
5. Equal pay / non-discrimination  
6. Preservation of cultural values  
7. Ethical business practices  
Ecological requirementsRequirements are fulfilledRequirements are partly fulfilledRequirements are not fulfilled
1. Protection and preservation of biodiversity  
2. Protection of ecosystems  
3. Preservation of protective functions  
4. Preservation of soils and landscapes  
5. Preservation of soil quality  
6. Preservation of the natural water cycle  
7. Reduction of water consumptionRequirement is not relevant
8. Prevention of water pollution  
9. Waste prevention  
10. Preservation of air qualityRequirement is not relevant
11. Reduction of transportsRequirement is not relevant


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