The concept of DGNB Ensemble Certification was developed for buildings that are largely identical in construction at one location (e.g. residential complexes, office buildings, etc.). It can be carried out on the basis of any existing use profile and enables a DGNB pre-certificate or certificate for each building individually on a common verification basis with reduced documentation effort. In the case of pre-certification of buildings, the auditing, testing and assessment is carried out for the entire building ensemble.
For certification, a typical building (basic module) must be completely verified. For the other, largely identical buildings, the evidence must be provided in an additive manner. Based on the criteria catalogue, a statement must be made for each criterion as to whether there are deviations from the basic module. These are to be verified in detail, as are the quality verifications after completion, such as the indoor air hygiene measurement (to be carried out in each building). Regardless of this, cross-criteria documents such as floor space layout, plans, completion date/grade, EnEV calculation, etc. must be submitted for each building. Verifications can be omitted by referring to the basic module if they are identical. In addition, for each building a list of criteria is to be drawn up in which synergy effects relevant to the evaluation come into play (e.g. canteen is shared by users of other buildings).
The DGNB Ensemble certification supports the quality assurance of largely identical buildings. It enables building owners and auditors to provide simplified, faster and thus more cost-effective verification for the individual buildings.
Please send us your plans for the ensemble to be certified via a project-specific request for certification (PCQ). Please use the forms provided centrally in the DGNB System Software for your enquiry. We will then get in touch with you.
Procedure of an ensemble certification
If the project requires a more comprehensive preliminary discussion than is possible within the framework of the PCQ, this can be carried out together with the certification unit of the DGNB. First, the project and the applicant's goals are presented and the applicability of ensemble certification is examined.
Register the main project in the DGNB System Software. To complete the registration of all other projects, please fill out this document (in German) and send it to
For certification, a typical building (basic module) must be fully verified. For the other, largely identical buildings, the evidence must be provided in an additive manner. Based on the criteria catalogue, a statement must be made for each criterion as to whether there are deviations from the basic module. These are to be verified in detail, as are the quality verifications after completion, such as the indoor air hygiene measurement (to be carried out in each building). Irrespective of this, cross-criteria documents such as floor plan, plans, completion date/grade, EnEV calculation, etc. must be submitted for each building. Verifications can be omitted by referring to the basic module if they are identical. In addition, for each building, a list of criteria should be drawn up in which synergy effects relevant to the assessment are taken into account (e.g. canteen is shared by users of other buildings).
Project registration

To register a project, clients must first hire a DGNB Auditor. This auditor can then register the project. Auditors also accompany the entire process and take over the verification and submission to the DGNB. They are active worldwide and specialise in certain schemes.
Projects can be registered in the current market version "Buildings In Use, Version 2020".
Your contact
Angelika Bandke
Senior Consultant Serial Certification
- Phone: +49-711-722322-44