Board of Directors is elected by the members of the DGNB. It represents the DGNB externally, expresses its opinions and interests to third parties and assumes advisory tasks in particular. It takes care of all tasks relating to the appointment, dismissal and control of the management. For its support, the Board establishes committees and the Technical Committee and appoints their members. With the support of the DGNB office, it prepares the General Assembly and monitors the implementation of the resolutions passed there. Finally, the Board reviews and initiates the budget and the annual reports of the DGNB.
All members of the DGNB Board of Directors

DGNB Board Member
"As an urban planner and landscape architect, as well as a politically minded person and active professional, I am happy to be able to contribute my experience and knowledge to the DGNB. I would like to make my contribution to expanding and sharpening the profile of the DGNB".
- Member of the DGNB with the Bundesarchitektenkammer e.V. since 2017
- Member of the DGNB Board of Directors since 2021

DGNB Vice President
"It is my desire and drive to accompany and support the DGNB in this period of reaccentuation."
- Initiator and founding member of the DGNB with Behnisch Architekten
- Member of the DGNB with haascookzemmrich - STUDIO2050
- Vice President of the DGNB since 2013
- Member of the DGNB Executive Committee since 2007

DGNB Vice President
"On the DGNB Board of Directors, I try to raise understanding for the real estate industry's perspective on sustainability - and at the same time, I strive to bring the DGNB's stance and essential content to the real estate industry."
- Member of the DGNB with BNP Paribas Real Estate Germany
- Vice President of the DGNB since 2015
- Member of the DGNB Board of Directors since 2011

DGNB Vice President
"Based on my extensive experience in teaching, research and professional building and planning practice, I would like to broadly represent the substantive objectives of the DGNB in society and evaluate ideas as well as new trends in order to concretely promote the development of sustainability."
- Member of the DGNB Board of Directors since 2013

DGNB Board Member
"My goal is to further strengthen the cross-level requirements in dialogue with the large number of committed colleagues in committees and boards, the professional associations and the Association of Cities and Towns and to promote this exchange of knowledge nationally and internationally."
- Member of the DGNB with the City of Karlsruhe
- Member of the Board of Directors of the DGNB since 2019

DGNB Board Member
"The DGNB is a matter close to my heart and I want to promote access, reach and quality understanding of the system and also further internationalise it."
- since 2016 Trainer in the DGNB Academy nationally and internationally
- since 2016 DGNB Expert Pool
- Member of the DGNB Expert Committee since 2014
- Member of the DGNB Board of Directors since 2021
- Member of the DGNB with Buro Happold
- Initiator and founding member of the DGNB with Behnisch Architekten

DGNB Board Member
"Sustainable construction will only succeed on a broad scale if we manage to positively link the topic with added value for all stakeholders. This requires innovative thinking and action as well as cooperation at all levels."
- Founding member of the DGNB with Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH
- Member of the DGNB Board of Directors since 2017

DGNB Board Member
"In the last 10 years since its foundation, the DGNB has developed into the largest promoter of sustainable construction in Europe with an astonishing broad impact. We answered the initial question of what sustainable building actually means with the concept of holistic life cycle assessment. In doing so, we have by no means exhausted the wealth of possibilities that this concept offers."
- Initiator and founding member of the DGNB with GfÖB
- DGNB Member with Rudolphi + Rudolphi GmbH
- 2013 to 2020 President of the DGNB
- Member of the DGNB Board of Directors since 2007

DGNB President
"The social change towards sustainability remains a vision for me, because economic interests still prevent sustainability. In the Board of Directors, I would like to work more on how we can further sharpen the DGNB's positions on important topics of Baukultur and ecology."
- President of the DGNB since 2020
- Member of the DGNB Board of Directors since 2015

DGNB Board Member
"In addition to the fundamental mission of sustainable construction and the DGNB, my previous and further motivation is to further concretise the importance and influence of building products in the building certification system. In addition, I would like to contribute to the further expansion of the future topics of circular economy, digitalisation and health in the DGNB System.
- Founding member of the DGNB with Lindner AG
- Formerly chairman of the DGNB's Construction Products Committee
- Member of the DGNB Board of Directors since 2019