Commission for Design Quality

These are the experts at the commission

The Commission for Design Quality assesses the quality of design and Baukultur within the framework of the DGNB Diamond. The commission is constituted of three persons who work in the building industry and have extensive expertise in the field of architectural assessment. To ensure the independence of the commission, one member is appointed by the DGNB, one by the chambers of architects and a third in consultation with the Association of German Architects (BDA) for a period of three years.


Volker Auch-Schwelk

Volker Auch-Schwelk

sustainable strategies Volker Auch-Schwelk

Matthias Burkart

Matthias Burkart

4a Architekten GmbH

Fred Gresens

Fred Gresens

GEMIBAU Mittelbadische Baugenossenschaft eG

Martin Haas

Martin Haas

haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050, Freie Architekten PartG mbB

Stefan Krötsch

Stefan Krötsch

Klingelhöfer Krötsch Architekten, Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB

Markus Lehrmann

Markus Lehrmann

Architektenkammer Nordrhein-Westfalen

Amandus Samsøe Sattler

Amandus Samsøe Sattler

ensømble Studio Architektur Berlin

Boris Schade-Bünsow

Boris Schade-Bünsow

Bauwelt, Bauverlag BV GmbH

Michael Schumacher

Michael Schumacher

schneider+schumacher Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH


Your contact

Christine Schröder

Christine Schröder

Project Manager PR and Media