Benchmarks for greenhouse gas emissions from building construction
Reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions is one of the top environmental policy goals. Targets for this were agreed worldwide within the framework of the Paris Agreement of 2015. In Germany, the building sector accounts for a significant share of CO2 emissions. While in recent years the evaluation of the operation of buildings and the associated emissions were at the forefront of scientific interest, the question of the evaluation of the buildings themselves is now increasingly being raised. In order to be able to classify and assess the building itself, there is currently still a lack of sufficient data. This is where this study comes in. Within the framework of the statistical evaluation of 50 buildings from the DGNB pool, for which Life Cycle Assessment results were available, benchmarks for greenhouse gas emissions [kg CO2e/m²a] were derived.
EU Taxonomy Study: Climate change mitigation
The property market has quite a bit of catching up to do if it wants to work through the taxonomy criteria laid down by the European Union. This is partially because stakeholders lack the information they need to fulfil verification requirements. In addition, the way some of the criteria are currently formulated, they are practically impossible to fulfil. This is the conclusion of a recent study conducted by the DGNB in collaboration with partners from Denmark, Austria and Spain. It also includes concrete recommendations to the EU Commission and market stakeholders aimed at making it easier to apply the criteria in the future.
Guide to Climate Positive Building Stock
"Act now, remove barriers now, collaborate now" is the motto of the publication "Guide to Climate Positive Building Stock", which shows how building stock can become climate positive. It was developed as part of the EU project #BuildingLife. The first part of the brochure provides information on the status quo of building stock at policy level. Furthermore, it identifies 50 of the most important measures for a common path towards climate-positive building stock. The report is addressed at all stakeholders in the building and real estate sector, as well as decision-makers in local governments, science, politics and finance.