Overarching goals for 2030
Clean and readily available water is the foundation of life for people and nature. Against the background of the climate and biodiversity crisis, decreasing water availability and the carbon sequestration function of wetlands, the quality and availability of water as a resource must be ensured for future generations.
The vision of the National Water Strategy for 2050 is that "the protection of natural water resources and the sustainable use of water in times of global change is realised in Germany in all areas of life and the economy for the benefit of people and the environment". To this end, ten different strategic topics have been formulated, whereby the construction industry can have a positive influence on the following. The first goal is to raise awareness of water as a resource. The second is to protect and permanently restore the natural water balance, prevent water scarcity and avoid conflicting objectives. A further goal is water-compatible and climate-adapted land use in rural and urban areas and the further development of a climate-adapted water infrastructure. Another objective that has been stipulated is mitigating risk caused by introducing substances, and emphasis is placed on the goal of linking water, energy and material cycles.
Our Objectives
2.1 Economical and efficient use of water
Water consumption is minimised by building occupants, building equipment and in internal processes, making use of water economically and efficiently.
2.2 Regenerative water resources
Service water requirements for buildings and outdoor facilities are covered by recycled water, rainwater or fresh water to ensure drinking water is derived from sustainably managed sources.
2.3 Healthy and clean
Safe access is guaranteed to clean drinking water and minimum amounts of substances are deposited into bodies of water or soils on the site such that no risk is posed to human health, the bodies of water, flora or fauna.
2.4 Water-compatible and climate-adapted land use
The natural water balance on site and in the surrounding area is enhanced by storing, infiltrating and evaporating rainwater, grey water, or both, and this takes place using natural methods that support plant life.
2.5 Contribution to the water management of the future ☼
Synergies are leveraged between water, energy and material cycles and used materials and processes result in the smallest possible water footprint.
Note: The ☼ symbol indicates objectives that should ideally by realised but either involve a great deal of effort to implement or can only be demonstrated using methods that are not yet established.