In November 2022, we published the DGNB Guide to Climate Positive Building Stock, which gives an insight into the leading causes of greenhouse gas emissions in the German building sector, as well as key regulatory requirements. It also lists 50 top measures for our joint path to a climate-positive building stock.
In a blog series on our shared journey to climate-positive buildings, we’re showcasing projects, companies and organisations, along with the solutions they found for implementing those measures. On this page, you will find all of these top 50 measures categorised according to the overarching strategic goals they are pursuing. You can identify existing contributions by the ⭐ symbol.
Want to join in and share your own experiences? See the application details at the end of this page.

Strategic objective 1
Eliminating emissions associated with energy consumption and making a positive contribution to the energy transition with renewable energies
Action area 1 Capturing the current situation with climate action roadmaps and planning climate neutrality in specific terms
Climate protection inventory
Determining energy and climate action-relevant status quo for each building.
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Action area 1 Capturing the current situation with climate action roadmaps and planning climate neutrality in specific terms
Low-investment optimisation measures
Identifying all potential for climate action-optimised operation and implementing low-investment optimisation measures immediately.
Action area 1 Capturing the current situation with climate action roadmaps and planning climate neutrality in specific terms
Creating climate action roadmaps
Creating climate goal-compatible, specific renovation or climate action roadmaps with the objective of climate positive operation for each building and drafting specific action plans for each property. For large stocks of existing buildings: Prioritising by building type, only drafting detailed climate action plans in a second step.
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Action area 1 Capturing the current situation with climate action roadmaps and planning climate neutrality in specific terms
Implementing climate action roadmaps
Implementing measures according to climate action roadmaps (step by step). Setting interim targets and reviewing them regularly, ideally externally validated through sustainability certification of building operations.
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Action area 2 Reducing energy demand and consumption of buildings
Clearly communicating ambitious energy and CO2 objectives at the start of each project and taking them into account at all design and planning stages. Determining the energy balance together with a CO2 balance for all planned renovations and conversions.
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Action area 2 Reducing energy demand and consumption of buildings
Renovations with high energy efficiency
Implementing all renovations with high energy efficiency (in terms of final energy) and / or LT-ready (operation with low-temperature systems) and the objective of climate positive operation to avoid lock-in effects. Applying either individual solutions or – for acceleration – serial solutions.
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Action area 2 Reducing energy demand and consumption of buildings
Training of professionals
Promoting training of professionals for more and better climate change competencies. Intensifying and promoting interdisciplinary collaboration and exchange. Establishing a positive error culture to share lessons learned.
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Action area 2 Reducing energy demand and consumption of buildings
Demand planning for new construction
Demand reduction: Investigating as part of the demand planning process of all new construction projects whether new construction is actually necessary. In doing so, taking into account CO2 emissions of the construction measure and the operation, give preference to activation of existing facilities or alternatives for meeting the demand without or only with minor construction measures.
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Action area 2 Reducing energy demand and consumption of buildings
Requirement standard for necessary new construction
Setting high climate action requirements for necessary new construction. Implementing projects at least meeting "EH 40" standard (according to innovation clause GEG) and climate neutral-ready, and preparing climate neutral supply by 2045 at the latest. To this end, drawing up and implementing ambitious climate action roadmaps and preparing appropriate measures.
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Action area 2 Reducing energy demand and consumption of buildings
⭐ Efficiency and savings potential of existing building (TGA)
Existing buildings: Optimally exploiting the efficiency and savings potential of existing building and supply technology and optimising energy use.
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Action area 2 Reducing energy demand and consumption of building
⭐ Implementation of optimised technical building services (TGA)
Upgrading / improving heating and cooling systems, replacing inefficient systems and preparing for or using LowEx systems (low energy systems, low temperature (LT) ready).
SEE EXAMPLE (study as PDF file – GERMAN)
Action area 3 Using 100 % renewable energies and acting as an active element in the energy transition
STOP fossil-fuelled heating systems
No operation or installation of fossil-fuelled heating systems; planning and implementing removal of existing systems.
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Action area 3 Using 100 % renewable energies and acting as an active element in the energy transition
Heat supply with renewable energies
Implementing heat supply completely using renewable energies or preparing for it.
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Action area 3 Using 100 % renewable energies and acting as an active element in the energy transition
Photovoltaic systems and solar thermal systems
Activating all suitable roof areas and other suitable areas for the installation of photovoltaic systems or, where appropriate, solar thermal systems.
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Action area 4 Establishing climate-neutral and efficient energy supply systems
District heating production
Increasing share of renewables in district heating production and grids (target: 100 percent) taking regional conditions and infrastructures into account. In addition, increasing network efficiency and minimising line losses.
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Action area 4 Establishing climate-neutral and efficient energy supply systems
Converting fossil energy sources
Long-term planning: Converting infrastructures currently tailored to fossil energy sources for climate neutral energy sources.
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Strategic objective 2
Preserving the value of existing buildings, minimising the use of resources and ensuring long
and intensive use of buildings
Action area 5 Reducing land requirements and using land intensively
Reducing space requirements
Reducing space requirements per person or alternative reference unit through appropriate and sufficient planning; raising awareness of renters / owners for spatial change.
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Action area 6 Preserving existing buildings or using them as a source of raw materials
Selective deconstruction
In the case where existing building fabric needs to be deconstructed, calling for tenders for selective deconstruction with the aim of recycling mineral demolition waste and removing components contaminated with pollutants. Checking implementation of selective dismantling.
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Action area 6 Preserving existing buildings or using them as a source of raw materials
⭐ Increasing recycling potential
Requiring and using secondary / replacement / recycled (RC) construction materials in all construction projects, aiming for a high overall percentage in buildings, and avoiding composite materials with low recycling potential.
Action area 7 Strengthening longevity with adaptable and circular structures and components
Integrating circularity in all service phases
Consistently integrating circularity into the individual service phases, using it as the basis for determining variants in accordance with Official scale of fees for services by architects and engineers (HOAI), and integrating it into call for tenders and award of contract.
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Action area 7 Strengthening longevity with adaptable and circular structures and components
Building resource passports
Creating deconstruction- and recycling-oriented digital building documentation in the form of "building resource passports", storing them permanently and making them available at governmental level.
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Action area 8 Building simply, adding on, redensifying – creating qualities using less resources
Leveraging housing potential
Leveraging housing potential through interior development of non-residential buildings:
- Vertical, integrated redensification
- Implementation of integration concepts
- Conversion of the overhang
- Addition / vertical redensification

Strategic objective 3
Renovating existing buildings and building necessary new buildings emission-free and with climate
positive materials
Action area 9 Manufacturing climate action-oriented, carbon-free materials and products
⭐ Selecting materials climate action- and cycleoriented
Selecting and handling materials in a climate action- and cycleoriented manner in the manufacture of construction materials, products, and systems:
- Using low-CO2 materials or raw materials in products
- Using alternative raw materials / materials
- Using secondary raw materials
- Developing and offering products with low material consumption
- Avoiding internal production losses
- Avoiding production offcuts and wast
Action area 9 Manufacturing climate action-oriented, carbon-free materials and products
Focus on CO2-reduced products and construction materials
Obtaining quotations for demonstrably CO2-reduced products / construction materials and always use them in renovations and necessary new buildings.
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Action area 9 Manufacturing climate action-oriented, carbon-free materials and products
Closing cycles for all building materials and products
Closing cycles for all building materials and products:
- Optimising logistics, recording and collection of recyclables and materials for recycling or reuse from demolition and construction site processes
- Developing markets for secondary materials and digital networking of the supply and process chains
- Recovering as many recyclable materials as possible from recycling
- Creating reuse and recycling routes
- Providing digital material passports or extended EPDs making them available as IoT (Internet of Things) solution with adequate information
Action area 9 Manufacturing climate action-oriented, carbon-free materials and products
Fair pricing policy
Not offering climate action-oriented products / materials / systems in the overall portfolio at a higher price than the standard market variants (e.g. via internal subsidisation). Not aligning pricing policy with higher willingness to pay.
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Action area 9 Manufacturing climate action-oriented, carbon-free materials and products
Transparency product portfolio
Voluntarily disclosing greenhouse gas intensity of the entire product portfolio or obtaining certification. Obtaining certification of "low greenhouse gas" components, products, and construction materials with an accompanying communication campaign.
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Action area 10 Planning and implementing climate action-oriented renovations and new buildings
Life cycle CO2 balance
Calculating and optimising life cycle CO2 balance for each project,
considering alternatives.
- Step 1: Achieve transparency.
- Step 2: Fall below defined maximum values for CO2e in each project.
- Step 3: Reduce maximum values successively.
Action area 10 Planning and implementing climate action-oriented renovations and new buildings
Serial renovation
Proactively offering and implementing serial renovation on all (appropriate) projects. Checking feasibility as well as advantages and communicating them.
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Action area 11 Using buildings as carbon sinks and stores
CO2-absorbing solutions
Strongly supporting the use of materials made from (rapidly) renewable and other CO2-absorbing solutions and raw materials in new construction and renovations.
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Action area 11 Using buildings as carbon sinks and stores
Research carbon sinks
Advancing research for fundamentals and potentials of carbon sinks in the construction industry and identifying innovations. Ensuring rapid transfer of knowledge into practice and increasing industry motivation for research.
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Strategic objective 4
Creating political and financial framework conditions for transformation
Action area 12 Setting the course for immediate climate action in the building sector at regional and national level
Minimum energy standards and minimum greenhouse gas standards
Gradually introducing minimum energy standards and minimum greenhouse gas standards for all building types under the Buildings Energy Act (BEG). Announcing sanction options for non-achievement of energy targets with date and efficiency classes and introducing them as soon as possible.
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Action area 12 Setting the course for immediate climate action in the building sector at regional and national level
Encouraging serial renovation
Creating a framework and providing funding to strongly encourage serial renovation and capacity building for it.
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Action area 12 Setting the course for immediate climate action in the building sector at regional and national level
Preventing climate-damaging "replacement new buildings"
Preventing climate-damaging "replacement new buildings".
- Providing no funding for new buildings that have disadvantages from a climate action perspective compared to existing building activation/renovation.
- Introducing mandatory use of a "conservation before replacement" decision cascade.
- Introducing and requiring demolition permits that use life cycle greenhouse gas balances and life cycle cost analysis as a basis and allocate demolition and disposal emissions to subsequent construction.
Action area 12 Setting the course for immediate climate action in the building sector at regional and national level
Database for energy performance certificates
Establishing a central database for energy performance certificates, where GHG emissions and renovation/climate action roadmaps are stored. Using findings from statistical evaluations for active control.
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Action area 12 Setting the course for immediate climate action in the building sector at regional and national level
Expanding BEG funding
Expanding and developing Federal Funding for Efficient Buildings (BEG) programme: introducing climate neutral / climate positive renovations and new construction. Demanding quality assurance via certifications. Promoting measures to achieve low-temperature (LT) ready standards and switch to renewable energy, heat pumps, climate-friendly / energy-producing façade elements more strongly.
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Action area 12 Setting the course for immediate climate action in the building sector at regional and national level
Climate protection obligations in new building permits
Issuing new building permits only for climate neutral operation (according to EPBD draft 2022 "net zero emission buildings"). Alternatively, issuing new building permits only for plans with climate action roadmap "2025/2030 climate neutral".
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Action area 12 Setting the course for immediate climate action in the building sector at regional and national level
Obligation to install photovoltaic systems
Introducing obligation to install photovoltaic systems in new buildings and renovations, and reducing bureaucracy.
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Action area 12 Setting the course for immediate climate action in the building sector at regional and national level
Life cycle greenhouse gas balances for buildings as integral part for approval
Making life cycle greenhouse gas balances for buildings the basis for approval of new construction / renovation projects.
- Step 1: Demand transparency.
- Step 2: Require undercutting of maximum CO2e values, both based on calculation models and measured in operation.
- Step 3: Reduce maximum levels successively to meet climate goals.
Action area 12 Setting the course for immediate climate action in the building sector at regional and national level
Obligation to expand climate neutral heating networks
Create obligation to expand climate neutral heating networks: Require municipal utilities / providers to expand and simultaneously transform to climate neutral generation.
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Action area 13 Putting municipalities on a climate positive course
Ambitious climate action and sustainability aspects in guidance documents
Anchoring of ambitious climate action and sustainability aspects in municipal / city sustainability plans / guidance documents / climate guidelines / service instructions or similar.
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Action area 13 Putting municipalities on a climate positive course
Environmental and social aspects in the subject matter of the contract
Tendering / awarding of own design / build services: Integrating environmental and social aspects in the subject matter of the contract and the specifications, considering qualitative evaluation criteria, requesting price optimisation over the life cycle, qualification of bidders, reuse.
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Action area 13 Putting municipalities on a climate positive course
Reuse and recyclability in building permits
When issuing building permits, requiring proof of the use of reused components / construction products and submission of a deconstruction plan / deconstruction concept with the objectives of long-term asset value, reusability, and recyclability.
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Action area 14 Promoting and financing sustainable solutions
Self-commitment of financial market participants
Self-commitment: Financial market participants voluntarily go far beyond the climate-relevant EU taxonomy criteria for buildings and individual measures for all contracts. Defined limits for life cycle GHG emissions are complied with. Using transparency on climate impact and risks for all existing building stocks as a basis for decision-making and pricing in impending loss of value due to climate risks.
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Action area 14 Promoting and financing sustainable solutions
Financial products for climate transformation
Developing and offering financial products for climate transformation: transformation loans, sustainability-linked loans, KPI-linked loans, etc. – based on individual climate action roadmaps.
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Action area 14 Promoting and financing sustainable solutions
BEG funding focused on existing buildings
Further developing the content of the BEG programme with a focus on existing buildings: massively increasing subsidies for building stock transformation and promoting renovation measures within the framework of ambitious climate action roadmaps (e.g. climate neutral operation anticipated from 2030) with additional grants or concessionary loans. In addition, promoting the actual implementation of greenhouse gas-neutral operations or very low GHG emissions in operations, as verified by monitoring, with grants or bonuses. Additionally promoting low building-related CO2 emissions.
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Action area 14 Promoting and financing sustainable solutions
Authorisation requirements for housing offensive
For housing initiatives (400,000 homes / year), making funding authorisation requirement that at least 50 % be met from revitalisations, vacancy reduction, additions, conversions, and extensions to existing housing stock.
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Action area 15 Reducing subsidies harmful to the climate and aligning tax policies with climate action
Tax policy in favour of energy-efficient and climate action-oriented retrofits
Promoting energy-efficient and climate action-oriented retrofits by providing incentives to homeowners in the form of tax relief and subsidies, e.g., VAT waivers or reductions for energy renovations.
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Action area 15 Reducing subsidies harmful to the climate and aligning tax policies with climate action
Eliminating all climate harming subsidies
In general: Eliminating all subsidies that are harmful to the climate and the environment. To do this, putting all subsidies to the test.
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Take part now and share your solution(s)!
Are you also a DGNB member who has implemented – or is in the process of implementing – one or more of the 50 top measures for a climate-positive building stock as listed by the DGNB Guide? If you are, we’d be delighted if you’d also like to share your solution(s) and ideas with other stakeholders on the DGNB Blog and tell us about your experiences.
Here’s how to submit your solution and provide an example for our blog
Send an email to and answer the following questions:
- Which of the top 50 measures (featured in the DGNB Guide to Climate-Positive Building Stock) have you implemented? If possible, please only submit ideas for measures that have not yet featured in this blog. You can identify these by the 'submit an example' button.
- How did you implement your idea? What approach did you take?
- Why do you think your solution sets a good example for others?
- Do you have any images showing how your measure was implemented? If you do, please send them to us.
We will go through your ideas and get back to you as soon as possible.
Please note: Only DGNB members may apply. We reserve the right to reject proposals.